CERV - Cities4Her
Title: Cities4Her: “An inter-municipal youth-led forum for substantive gender equality in local decision-making” και χρηματοδότηση από το ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα «Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)»
ACRONYM: Cities4Her
Partners: 8
Lead Partner:
• Ελληνικος Φορεας Τοπικης Αναπτυξης & Τοπικη Κυβερνηση (Greece)
• Actionaid Ελλάς Αστική Μη Κερδοσκοπική Εταιρία (Greece)
• Εθνικό Και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (Greece)
• Municipality of Larissa (Greece)
• Municipality of Paggaio (Greece)
• Municipality of Kavala (Greece)
• Municipality of Thermi (Greece)
The Cities4Her project rests on the assumption that ensured substantive women’s representation in decision-making processes presupposes a community-wide commitment to gender equality frameworks and gender mainstreaming policies. On that basis, building upon the European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life, signed by Greek Municipalities to a large extend (64%), the project aims to support local authorities to practically apply their commitment to the Charter, capitalizing on youth as enablers of social change. To that end, the project seeks to engage the 13 Greek Regions, 94 Greek municipalities and 2 isolated areas facing poor access to services in an effort to promote women owned local governance, as follows:
- Develop a roadmap for an inter-municipal coalition led by youth for gender mainstreaming in local decision making through desk and primary research;
- Empower members (women and men) of active Municipal Youth Councils in 4 Greek municipalities as youth leaders for gender balanced local policy making, through transformative capacity building;
- Create a critical mass of built youth leaders and institutional allies, and pilot test the operation of an inter-municipal youth-led forum related to the existing municipal Gender Equality Committees across the country through regular consultation, to peers at a local level through p2p mentoring as well as to isolated Greek islands through exploitation workshops promoting gender responsive
public services;
- Assess impact with a focus on the acquired competences and skills provided to the forum’s critical mass as means-for and prerequisite-of a model for women owned local government;
- Enhance awareness on gender mainstreaming in local decision making, promoting transferability of the developed methodology at a national and a transnational level;
- Engage youth in online discussions on women’s empowerment and gender balanced local policy making conducive to inclusive and sustainable local societies.
Duration: 24 months
Total Budget: 351.317,38€
Budget of Municipality of Larissa: 13.428,50 €