Erasmus+ Coherent
A Circle Of youth for tHe EuRope wE want
Partnership14 partners Youth Cultural Center Maribor (Slovenia) Lead PartnerInternational institute for implementing sustainable development (Slovenia)INNOVATION HIVE (Greece)PROJECTS FOR EUROPE PFE (Belgium)AREGAI cultural association (Italy)Municipality of Larissa (Greece)Association for Sustainable Future (Hungary)Local Government of Nagykanizsa (Hungary)Environmental and cultural Association “Permacultura Cantabria” (Spain)Focus Eco Center (Romania)Entrepreneurship Institute (Lithuania)Eurasia Youth Development Association (Turkey)Center for Sustainable Industrial Development (Lithuania)Olemisen Balanssia ry (Finland) Description: COHERENT aims to contribute to the strategy for young people through empowerment, involvement and networking. The aim is to increase the participation of young people in city life, in relation to the European Youth Objectives # 3 (Inclusive Societies), # 4 (Information & constructive dialogue), # 10 (Sustainable Green Europe), the promotion cross-border mobility and increase youth cooperation in projects, including capacity building. Within COHERENT the following will be implemented: knowledge node (3 electronic modules), e-books, mobility actions, public debates, policy-making toolkit, etc. COHERENT will have short-term and long-term effects on youth, Non Profits Organizations, other participants, as well as in socio-economic environments, eg, acquiring new skills, abilities and mentality related to a sustainable EU, democracy, participation, citizenship, increasing the target groups interested in participation, increased cooperation. Duration: 18 μήνεςTotal budget: 26.304,88 €