Europe for Citizens - CIT-EU
TITLE: The future perspective of the European Community
Partnership: 4 partners
Commune Di Pomarico (Italy)
Town Petrinja (Croatia)
Municipality of Larissa (Greece)
Agjencia për Zhvillimin Rajonal 1 (Albania)
In the present situation of international crisis, social insecurity and fear of terrorism, there is a lot of debate on whether the policies of the European Union address the real needs and problems of the citizens of Europe. Euroscepticism has been gaining ground in the member states – especially in Pomarico that has large immigrant communities, those movements had also had political successes. One of the main reasons for that is the lack of knowledge about procedures in European policies.
The cities of Pomarico (Italy), Petrinja (Croatia), Larissa (Greece) and Shkoder (Albania) understand the need to further examine euroscepticism, the promotion of democratic discussion and explaining the real role of the EU. To bridge this gap, it’s essential for European citizens to feel involved. The program aims in encouraging civic participation in the political level, advancing the understanding of the decision making procedures and promoting opportunities on social and intercultural participation and volunteering.
In the meeting in Pomarico, participants will exchange experiences and ideas about issues at the center of Eurosceptic debate, focusing particularly on 3 topics:
- Perception of EU as a cartel pursued by elites far from real needs of Citizens.
- EU/Extra-EU immigration policies, free movement of people with in the Union and request for internal security.
- EU economic interests and attitude toward globalization, social security and solidarity from the citizen’s point of view.
Also, this project offers the opportunity to strengthen existing synergies between public administrations, entrepreneurs, associations, citizens and young people (action target groups) and to discuss about the European Union, as well as the challenges and opportunities for active European citizens.
Duration: 18-21/05/2018
Total Budget: 7.500,00€