Europe for Citizens - P.Un.C.H.
TITLE: Participation of Underrepresented Citizens for the valorization of the Cultural Heritage
Partnership: 16 partners
Dabrowa Municipality (Poland) Lead Partner
National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB) (Bulgaria)
M2C Institut für angewandter Medienforschung an der Hochschule Bremen (Germany)
Municipality of Larissa (Greece)
D'Antilles & D'Ailleurs (France)
E-Juniors (France)
Sveti Nikole Municipality (FYROM)
Vila Nova De Cerveira Municipality (Portugal)
Nameless Art (Romania)
Raska Municipality (Serbia)
Razvojna Agencija Sotla (Slovenia)
Regionalna Rasvojna Agencija Zasavje (Slovenia)
Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta (Spain)
Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa (Italy)
Novi Sad 2021 Foundation (Serbia)
Kaunas Biennial (Lithuania)
Description: The project’s main aim is to give disadvantaged young citizens and underrepresented groups the opportunity to intervene in the debate of the future of Europe in general and the EU policies about the valorization of the Cultural Heritage in particular. The activities include exchange of best practices among the partners on how a proper valorization of the cultural heritage could be helpful in fighting against social exclusion, training youth workers/policy makers and local administrators and the organization of 5 local activities in each country, about participation in the EU decision making process, in order to have a say in EU.
Duration: 24 months
Total Budget: 150.000€